Matomo Mobile SDK


We use the Matomo integration on our website.

Currently, our app is a kind of a frame of our website almost without the native pages (all pages are as a webview). And all events from the app are tracked in a webview as a part of the website.

We’re working on the native app and we’re going to integrate Matomo SDK into our apps instead of using the website tracking.

We’ve investigated Matomo SDK and we have several clarifying questions:

  1. on the website we have the ‘trackPageView’ event, are the following events really analogous to trackPageView for the mobile SDK?:
  • android - TrackHelper.track().screen("/activity_main/activity_settings").title(“Settings”).with(tracker).

  • iOS - matomoTracker.track(view: [String, url: URL?)

If not, what should you use instead of the ‘trackPageView’ event in the Android and iOS SDK?

  1. We’ve not found anything like the website event ‘setEcommerceView’. How we can track this event in the app?

Looking forward,


@matthieu do you have an answer?


Since this is a question about the Mobile App SDKs, if you have any issue with them, or if you find the documentation lacking, it would be great if you can directly report it at both these places:

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