Matomo displays old Events


I have a matomo instance running where I defined several tags to track some events. I have multiple versions and now I modified some old tags and to my surprise I see the old tags being pushed in the network tab.
We have a nuxt project where we installed matomo and we need some attention on a specific button where I have to call manually _paq.push(“trackEvent”,…) which apparently is triggering twice the event.
My questions are:

  1. Why I see old tags being pushed in the events?
  2. What causes the trigger of pushing the same event twice with _paq.push(“trackEvent”)?


Facing exactly same issue. Comenting to get notified if it’s solved

Hi @Charlie2345, @Andy_GRECU
I don’t understand what you mean with:

Do you use the Matomo Tag Manager?

If you track only with JavaScript, old code should not be present then not track anything… :thinking: