Many problems after update


When I try to go on API, I get this error

 Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MagicObject in /homepages/1/d145326492/htdocs/stats/plugins/ExamplePlugin/API.php on line 24

Only my dashboard is working properly. When I try to access to other part like visitors, Actions …
I get this error :

Error: The parameters are not valid. The method called requires 3 parameters. Please check your URL and the method API.

Any help will very appreciate,

Thanks in advance.


can you please email your piwik URL, login, password, and if possible your FTP login and password to ? we haven’t been able to reproduce this error and already two users reported it. we would need access to the server to debug.


I just send all details to access anywhere.
Thanks in advance for your help!


Sorry for digging this out again, but is there any solution for this problem available?

If you need more info or access for debugging, please let me know.

Hi, I’m having exactly the same error message with piwik integrated to sourceforge.

The address is…p;action=index#

When I try to add a user the page ask me for “Connect” and “Alias” - when I submit with green tick this message is thrown in a red box:
The parameters are not valid. The method called requires 3 parameters. Please check your URL and the method API.


Carlos Ruiz

this has been fixed in the last release 0.2.34.