Manual / Web cron

Hello guys,

I´ve just found out why I can´t run a cron job: Because my provider does´t allow it.

Great… However… I wanted to run a web cron but I´m obviously too stupid to do that.
Can someone please show me where I can find a manual for this? All I can find is a cron job
guide but that´s not it.

  • Where do I have to place the token_auth? (INTO the archive.php??)
  • What do I have to enter into the webcron form (url)?

And last but not least… Does Piwik archive at all? I mean just by visiting the dashboard? And will deleting 6 months old data help downsizing the database when everything´s archived anyway?

You can tell I´m new eh?


You can run the webcron by executing:

Sorry, I didn´t get that at all.

I need to execute what and WHERE? Sorry for being blonde but [] tells me nothing :frowning:

Cheers for the effort!

click the link from matt above. In your browser change “” to the url of your piwik install (like

You can bookmark the link and run it when you need to archive your records…

Aaaaaah it´s changing SO fast in Safari I just didn´t see it. Thats GREAT, Thank you guys!