Lost all reports settings after 2.16.4 update

Today i updated Piwik to 2.16.4. After the update all settings for my reports are lost.

  • No recipients are defined.
  • All Statistics option i choose in the reports disappeared.

Hello, thanks for the report. that’s not good :frowning: did you upgrade to 2.16.3 before, or did you directly upgrade from 2.16.2 or earlier directly to 2.16.4?

sorry there is an issue in the upgrade and it can corrupt your scheduled reports definition :frowning: we are right now working on a fix and will release 2.16.5 ASAP. Very sorry about the trouble.

Piwik 2.16.5 has been released and fixes this issue. In case your Scheduled reports are not working anymore you may have to re-create them manually, or you can also restore the table piwik_report (containing your Scheduled reports definition) from a backup if you have one. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.