My hosting say the pleskpanel has no root access but i get from piwik below error.
Database abilities
Using LOAD DATA INFILE will greatly speed Piwik’s archiving process up. To make it available to Piwik, try updating your PHP & MySQL software and make sure your database user has the FILE privilege.
If your Piwik server tracks high traffic websites (eg. > 100,000 pages per month), we recommend to try fix this problem.
Try #1: LOAD DATA INFILE : SQLSTATE[28000]: Invalid authorization specification: 1045 Access denied for user ‘teset’@’%’ (using password: YES)[28000]
Same here, but with root access… how to solve that ?
Try #1: LOAD DATA INFILE : SQLSTATE[28000]: Invalid authorization specification: 1045 Access denied for user ‘’@'*’ (using password: YES)[28000],
Try #2: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1148 The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version[42000]
Getting the same error. Was working OK but checked stats today and can only get a line list for a menu and none of the links work. Can’t even see the generated tracking code
Using LOAD DATA INFILE will greatly speed Piwik’s archiving process up. To make it available to Piwik, try updating your PHP & MySQL software and make sure your database user has the FILE privilege.
If your Piwik server tracks high traffic websites (eg. > 100,000 pages per month), we recommend to try fix this problem.
Try #1: LOAD DATA INFILE : SQLSTATE[28000]: Invalid authorization specification: 1045 Access denied for user ‘’@'*’ (using password: YES)[28000],
Try #2: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1148 The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version[42000]
I found this which solved my problem. May not be the total solution but it now works. Have asked my hoster to look at increasing this time as the problem only happen after a software update.
The minifier is taking too long and your server has a max_execution limit. In your config/config.ini.php, add the following:
disable_merged_assets = 1
This is normally used for debugging, but it’s the only quick fix I can propose at this time.
@dukenukem: But this can’t be the solution to this problem, can it? We’re talking about a MySQL restriction here …
Just to provide more information about my environment:
As you can see, I use Ubuntu 12.04 and did install all packages out of their repository
PHP: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6
MySQL Server: mysqld Ver 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
MySQL Client: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.31
PHP Client:
mysql: 5.5.31
mysqli: 5.5.31
pdo-mysql: 5.5.31
After calling the scripts, I, too, get these errors:
Try #1: LOAD DATA INFILE : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 29 File ‘/srv/http/localhost/www/piwik/tmp/assets/option-edce5cdcb5520b1f5314561c44e52132.csv’ not found (Errcode: 13),
Try #2: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1148 The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version[42000]
But the interesting part is, that the file does exist in the filesystem and everyone has all kind of access to it. Read, write and execute …
Here’s some interesting notes I found during research:
FYI: The value for secure_file_priv is an empty string …
Isn’t it exactly that, what phpmyadmin is doing by this commands? Or am I missing something?
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * FROM 'piwik'@'localhost';
REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON * . * FROM 'piwik'@'localhost';
@flippy, I copied the code, replaced the username by the one I use and ran it … the command was executed, I reloaded the permissions, but I still get the same error …
Also see how Ubuntu starts it as a service. LOCAL works only if your server and your client both have been configured to permit it. For example, if mysqld was started with --local-infile=0, LOCAL does not work
I avoid Ubuntu like the plague so it could be some wonderful special sauce they added with their fun layer they put over packages that is preventing it.
The key with ubuntu is you need to see if they build mysql as such
cmake ../mysql-5.5/ -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1
I do not think they do, because this is looked at as a security issue, please google to research why its looked at as such if you do not know.
Again read about Ubuntu 12.04 and MySQL on it, from what I read they disabled it by default. I do not have any Ubuntu machines to test that on. But also check how its started like I said, check your system file for mysqld
Hi. The solution I posted worked for me. The issue I had was that my service provided change me onto another server and I think PHP was also updated. It was after that change that Piwik stopped displaying correctly. I did try to get them to try changing settings as suggested, but in the end, it was just easier for me to add the infomation as suggested:
The minifier is taking too long and your server has a max_execution limit. In your config/config.ini.php, add the following:
disable_merged_assets = 1
Sorry. I don’t know how it all ties in, however as stated, it works.
If anyone is still interested on my status on that: I got it working!
I did not get it working with “LOAD DATA INFILE”, but I did get “LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE” working.
To get Piwik to use the keyword “LOCAL”, you have to disable the php-options “open_basedir” and “safe_mode”.
This is only of value to you, if it works on the commandline. Try to execute the following code in your commandline and see if it works. If yes, read on. If no, fix that first!
Replace the path and the filename to your needs.
$ mysql -u root -p --local-infile piwik
mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/path-to-your-piwik-installation/tmp/assets/option-somehash.csv' REPLACE INTO TABLE `option` CHARACTER SET latin1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' (option_name,option_value) ;
Now, you should still get the same error as @minos.
While reading the code, I found a hint to a PHP bugreport where this error occures when using PDO as driver for MySQL. Replacing it by MySQLi is a workaround, that’s worth testing.
So, I updated my Piwik-configuration and added the following line:
I now also got the command “LOAD DATA INFILE” working, what you need, if you want to use the PHP setting open_basedir. Please follow the different statements of this post 301 Moved Permanently and ensure, that PHP and the MySQL server is on the same server, or at least that the Piwik-installation is accessible on both installations in the same path.