List of keywords - No data for this graph


All other graphs show data correctly, List of keywords (or Refferers/Search engines & keywords) show No data for this graph. I’ve gone trhough FAQ, forums but i still can’t make it work.

I found out my in table piwik_log_visit thera are empty collumns refferer_name and refferer_keyword


All other graphs show data correctly, List of keywords (or Refferers/Search engines & keywords) show No data for this graph. I’ve gone trhough FAQ, forums but i still can’t make it work.

I found out my DB does not contain table referer_keyword, can my install be broken ?[/quote]

I have the same problem with version 1.1.1, no data for list of keywords or list of websites, everything else other then that is fine.

Please help

what is your website URL, and what is a typical google URL that has your site in position 1 (so we can check referer). MP if you prefer

website URL is: sexybliss-tv[/url] , and typical google URL that has your site in position 1 is: [url=]here

You have put the piwik tag on your warning.php page

this is applyed to the warning.tpl just before

There was a php warning I didnt noticed, now it gets refferers corectly. Sorry for this thread and thanks



There was a php warning I didnt noticed, now it gets refferers corectly. Sorry for this thread and thanks



the warning.php is a file on my website not the stats script, nice to know yours is working.

im still not getting the data for keywords, external website & best search engines. the stats for the warning.php file is being logged in piwik, but still that has not helped.

please read the faq, your piwik code is wrong on your welcome page:

you must use the FULL Piwik Tracking JS code:

please read the faq, your piwik code is wrong on your welcome page:

you must use the FULL Piwik Tracking JS code:[/quote]

Problem FIXED: I could not appy the JS tracking code, as it broke up my scritp, so I added extra code to the tracker to make it more friendly to my php files, here is the example of the updated tracker code that i am now using, and its works fine for me:

echo “\n”;
echo “<script type=“text/javascript”>\n”;
echo “var pkBaseURL = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “” : “");\n";
echo “document.write(unescape(”%3Cscript src=’” + pkBaseURL + “piwik.js’ type=‘text/javascript’%3E%3C/script%3E”));\n”;
echo “<script type=“text/javascript”>\n”;
echo “try {\n”;
echo “var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + “piwik.php”, 1);\n”;
echo “piwikTracker.trackPageView();\n”;
echo “piwikTracker.enableLinkTracking();\n”;
echo “} catch( err ) {}\n”;
echo “

<img src=“” style=“border:0” alt=”" />

echo “\n”;