Last visits graph does not show any visits

I’ve moved my website from one server to another. With website I’ve moved also piwik. For the migration, I’ve copied all piwik directory and all tables of mySQL. All seems working fine but, from dashboard, I can see the visits on ‘visitors on real time’, but the ‘last visits graph’ does not show any visits.

Piwik version is 1.5.1 running on SLES 11 SP1.
Something similar are posted here: 301 Moved Permanently.
Sorry for my new post, but no answers are in the old post.
Thanks for help.

I solved the problem.
The error is related to archiving of piwik. On the new server I’ve forgot PHP5-zlib, so the gzcompress(), inside piwik cron, does not work.
Loades the PHP-zlib and run the cron all seems ok.