Kampagnen werden nicht mehr getracked

Hallo Forum,

nachdem ich an einer relativ komplexen Website einige Änderungen vorgenommen habe, werden scheinbar die Kampagnen nicht mehr getracked.

Ich habe keine Ahnung, wo ich mit der Fehlersuche beginnen soll. Kann mir u.U. jemand dabei helfen?

Das Kampagnen-Tracking war, sowei ich mich erinnere relativ schnell eingerichtet, indem nur die zwei Paramter (piwik_campaign und piwik_kwd) an die URL gehängt wurden. Danach fand man dann unter Aktionen/Kampagnen eine neue Kampagne mit dem Wert der Variable piwik_campaign und einen Eintrag darunter mit dem Wert der Variable piwik_kwd.

Ein Test:

Request: http://example.org/sitemap/
Javascript: piwikTracker.setCustomUrl(“Sitemap/Startseite”);

… und der Request wird unter Aktionen/Seiten gezählt.

Request: http://example.org/sitemap/?piwik_campaign=Test&piwik_kwd=test
javascript: piwikTracker.setCustomUrl(“http://example.org/Sitemap/Startseite?piwik_campaign%3DTest%26piwik_kwd%3Dtest”);

… und auch der Request wird unter Aktionen/Seiten gezählt

Allerdings finde ich keine neue Kampagne “Test”, wie ich das erwartet hätte.

Sieht jemand, woran das haken könnte?

beste gruesse,

Hallo Heinetz,

ich kenne Deine config.ini.php nicht, doch versuch es doch mal mit den relativ jungen Parametern “pk_campaign” und “pk_kwd”.

Also so:


Falls das auch nicht funzt, dann schau mal in die Config und suche nach den Parametern “campaign_var_name” bzw. “campaign_keyword_var_name”.

Beste Grüße

Hallo Sebastian,

danke erstmal für Deine Antwort!

So einen Testcase habe ich gestern schon mal nachgebildet, eine /_content/test24.php angelegt und per http://example.org/_content/test24.php?pk_campaign=Test24&pk_kwd=Testvierundzwanzig aufgerufen. Das selbe Verhalten: Der Request wird in Aktionen/Seiten erfasst, in
Verweise/Kampagnen allerdings nicht.

Der Piwik-Request ist laut Firebug folgender:


tatsächlich habe ich die Variablen in der config.ini nicht gefunden. Dafür aber in der global.ini und dort stehen sie nach dem alten Muster (piwik_campaign und piwik_kwd). Nach meinem Verständnis kann ein Request mit pk_campaign und pk_kwd also auch nicht als Kampagne getracked werden, wärend er
mit den Paramentern nach altem Muster schon getracked werden müsste.

Bei mir erhärtet sich der Verdacht, dass das Problem mit einem Problem zu tun hat, das ich letztens behoben habe (bzw. geglaubt behoben zu haben ):

Php lief “Out Of Mermory”.

Woraufhin der PHP-Memory auf 512M erhöht wurde und der Fehler danach nicht mehr auftrat. Da danach alles scheinbar wieder lief, habe ich mich nicht weiter mit dem Thema “auto archiving” auseinandergesetzt.

Kann das damit zusammenhängen?

beste gruesse,

der Vollständigkeit halber mal meine config.ini und global.ini …


; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; file automatically generated or modified by Piwik; you can manually override the default values in global.ini.php by redefining them in this file.
login = "dmw"
password = "18e47f621cae9c76800b10c156cf224f"
email = "hein@example.org"
salt = "79619b0fc864cc9db7abfbd757440cb0"

host = "localhost"
username = "user"
password = "password"
dbname = "piwik"
tables_prefix = "piwik_"
adapter = "PDO_MYSQL"
port = 3306
charset = "utf8"

PluginsInstalled[] = Login
PluginsInstalled[] = CoreAdminHome
PluginsInstalled[] = UsersManager
PluginsInstalled[] = SitesManager
PluginsInstalled[] = Installation
PluginsInstalled[] = CorePluginsAdmin
PluginsInstalled[] = CoreHome
PluginsInstalled[] = API
PluginsInstalled[] = Widgetize
PluginsInstalled[] = LanguagesManager
PluginsInstalled[] = Actions
PluginsInstalled[] = Dashboard
PluginsInstalled[] = MultiSites
PluginsInstalled[] = Referers
PluginsInstalled[] = UserSettings
PluginsInstalled[] = Goals
PluginsInstalled[] = SEO
PluginsInstalled[] = UserCountry
PluginsInstalled[] = VisitsSummary
PluginsInstalled[] = VisitFrequency
PluginsInstalled[] = VisitTime
PluginsInstalled[] = VisitorInterest
PluginsInstalled[] = ExampleAPI
PluginsInstalled[] = ExamplePlugin
PluginsInstalled[] = ExampleRssWidget
PluginsInstalled[] = ExampleFeedburner
PluginsInstalled[] = Provider
PluginsInstalled[] = Feedback
PluginsInstalled[] = CoreUpdater
PluginsInstalled[] = PDFReports
PluginsInstalled[] = UserCountryMap


; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; If you want to change some of these default values, the best practise is to override 
; them in your configuration file in config/config.ini.php. If you directly edit this file,
; you risk losing your changes when you upgrade Piwik. 
; For example if you want to override action_title_category_delimiter, 
; edit config/config.ini.php and add the following:
; [General]
; action_title_category_delimiter = "-"

; WARNING - YOU SHOULD NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY - Edit config.ini.php instead.

login			= root
password		= 

host			= 
username		= 
password		= 
dbname			= 
tables_prefix	= 
port			= 3306
adapter			= PDO_MYSQL
; if charset is set to utf8, Piwik will ensure that it is storing its data using UTF8 charset.
; it will add a sql query SET at each page view.
; Piwik should work correctly without this setting.  
;charset		= utf8

host 			= localhost
username 		= root
password 		= 
dbname			= piwik_tests
tables_prefix	= piwiktests_
port			= 3306
adapter 		= PDO_MYSQL
; if set to 1, the archiving process will always be triggered, even if the archive has already been computed
; this is useful when making changes to the archiving code so we can force the archiving process
always_archive_data_period = 0;
always_archive_data_day = 0;

; if set to 1, all the SQL queries will be recorded by the profiler 
; and a profiling summary will be printed at the end of the request
enable_sql_profiler = 0

; if set to 1, a Piwik tag will be included in the Piwik UI footer and will track visits, pages, etc. to idsite = 1
; this is useful for Piwik developers as an easy way to create data in their local Piwik
track_visits_inside_piwik_ui = 0

; if set to 1, javascript and css files will be included individually
; this option must be set to 1 when adding, removing or modifying javascript and css files
disable_merged_assets = 0

; character used to automatically create categories in the Actions > Pages, Outlinks and Downloads reports
; for example a URL like "example.com/blog/development/first-post" will create 
; the page first-post in the subcategory development which belongs to the blog category
action_url_category_delimiter = /

; similar to above, but this delimiter is only used for page titles in the Actions > Page titles report
action_title_category_delimiter = /

; minimum number of websites to run autocompleter
autocomplete_min_sites = 5

; maximum number of websites showed in search results in autocompleter
site_selector_max_sites = 10

; this action name is used when the URL ends with a slash / 
; it is useful to have an actual string to write in the UI
action_default_name = index

; this action name is used when the URL has no page title or page URL defined
action_default_name_when_not_defined = "page title not defined"
action_default_url_when_not_defined = "page url not defined"

; if you want all your users to use Piwik in only one language, disable the LanguagesManager
; plugin, and set this default_language (users won't see the language drop down) 
default_language = en

; default number of elements in the datatable
datatable_default_limit = 10

; default number of rows returned in API responses
API_datatable_default_limit = 50

; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "User Settings". 
; The date and period loaded by Piwik uses the defaults below. Possible values: yesterday, today.
default_day = yesterday
; Possible values: day, week, month, year.
default_period = day

; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings". This is the default value used if the setting hasn't been overriden via the UI.
; Time in seconds after which an archive will be computed again. This setting is used only for today's statistics.
; Defaults to 10 seconds so that by default, Piwik provides real time reporting.
time_before_today_archive_considered_outdated = 10

; This setting is overriden in the UI, under "General Settings". The default value is to allow browsers
; to trigger the Piwik archiving process.
enable_browser_archiving_triggering = 1

; PHP minimum required version (minimum requirement known to date = ->newInstanceArgs)
minimum_php_version = 5.1.3

; MySQL minimum required version
; note: timezone support added in 4.1.3
minimum_mysql_version = 4.1

; PostgreSQL minimum required version
minimum_pgsql_version = 8.3

; Minimum adviced memory limit in php.ini file (see memory_limit value)
minimum_memory_limit = 128

; login cookie name
login_cookie_name = piwik_auth

; login cookie expiration (30 days)
login_cookie_expire = 2592000

; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. 
; Defaults to empty. See spec in http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
login_cookie_path = 

; email address that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
; if specified, {DOMAIN} will be replaced by the current Piwik domain
login_password_recovery_email_address = "password-recovery@{DOMAIN}"
; name that appears as a Sender in the password recovery email
login_password_recovery_email_name = Piwik

; standard email address displayed when sending emails
noreply_email_address = "noreply@{DOMAIN}"

; during archiving, Piwik will limit the number of results recorded, for performance reasons
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers tables (keywords, search engines, campaigns, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_referers = 1000
; maximum number of rows for any of the Referers subtable (search engines by keyword, keyword by campaign, etc.)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_referers = 50

; maximum number of rows for any of the Actions tables (pages, downloads, outlinks)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_actions = 500
; maximum number of rows for pages in categories (sub pages, when clicking on the + for a page category)
; note: should not exceed the display limit in Piwik_Actions_Controller::ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY
;       because each subdirectory doesn't have paging at the bottom, so all data should be displayed if possible.
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_subtable_actions = 100

; maximum number of rows for other tables (Providers, User settings configurations)
datatable_archiving_maximum_rows_standard = 500

; by default, Piwik uses self-hosted AJAX libraries.
; If set to 1, Piwik uses a Content Distribution Network
use_ajax_cdn = 0

; required AJAX library versions
jquery_version = 1.4.2
jqueryui_version = 1.8.2
swfobject_version = 2.2

; If set to 0, Flash widgets require separate HTTP requests
; (i.e., one request to load the JavaScript which instantiates Open Flash Chart; the other request is made by OFC to download the JSON data for the chart)
; If set to 1, Piwik uses a single HTTP request per Flash widget to serve both the widget and data
serve_widget_and_data = 1

; If set to 1, Piwik adds a response header to workaround the IE+Flash+HTTPS bug.
reverse_proxy = 0

; The release server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem
; to provide the latest software version.
latest_version_url = http://piwik.org/latest.zip

; The API server is an essential part of the Piwik infrastructure/ecosystem to
; provide services to Piwik installations, e.g., getLatestVersion and
; subscribeNewsletter.
api_service_url = http://api.piwik.org

; set to 0 if you want to stop tracking the visitors. Useful if you need to stop all the connections on the DB.
record_statistics			= 1

; length of a visit in seconds. If a visitor comes back on the website visit_standard_length seconds after his last page view, it will be recorded as a new visit  
visit_standard_length       = 1800

; visitors that stay on the website and view only one page will be considered staying 0 second
default_time_one_page_visit = 0

; if set to 0, any goal conversion will be credited to the last more recent non empty referer. 
; when set to 1, the first ever referer used to reach the website will be used
use_first_referer_to_determine_goal_referer = 0

; if set to 1, Piwik will try to match visitors without cookie to a previous visitor that has the same
; configuration: OS, browser, resolution, IP, etc. This heuristic adds an extra SQL query for each page view without cookie. 
; it is advised to set it to 1 for more accurate detection of unique visitors.
; However when most users have the same IP, and the same configuration, it is advised to set it to 0
enable_detect_unique_visitor_using_settings = 1

; if set to 1, Piwik attempts a "best guess" at the visitor's country of
; origin when the preferred language tag omits region information.
; The mapping is defined in core/DataFiles/LanguageToCountry.php,
enable_language_to_country_guess = 1

; When the misc/cron/archive.sh cron hasn't been setup, we still need to regularly run some maintenance tasks.
; Visits to the Tracker will try to trigger Scheduled Tasks (eg. scheduled PDF reports by email).
; Scheduled tasks will only run if 'Enable Piwik Archiving from Browser' is enabled in the General Settings.
; Tasks run once every hour maximum, they might not run every hour if traffic is low.
; Set to 0 to disable Scheduled tasks completely.
scheduled_tasks_min_interval = 3600

; name of the cookie used to store the visitor information
cookie_name	= piwik_visitor

; by default, the Piwik tracking cookie expires in 2 years
cookie_expire = 63072000

; The path on the server in which the cookie will be available on. 
; Defaults to empty. See spec in http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
cookie_path = 

; name of the cookie to ignore visits
ignore_visits_cookie_name = piwik_ignore 

; variable name to track any campaign, for example CPC campaign
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC'
campaign_var_name			= piwik_campaign

; variable name to track any campaign keyword
; Example: If a visitor first visits 'index.php?piwik_campaign=Adwords-CPC&piwik_kwd=My killer keyword' then it will be counted as a campaign referer named 'Adwords-CPC' with the keyword 'My killer keyword'
campaign_keyword_var_name	= piwik_kwd

; maximum length of a Page Title or a Page URL recorded in the log_action.name table
page_maximum_length = 1024;

; number of octets in IP address to mask, in order to anonymize a visitor's IP address
; if the AnonymizeIP plugin is deactivated, this value is ignored
; for IPv4 addresses, valid values are 0..4
ip_address_mask_length = 1

transport = 	 					; smtp or empty 
port = 25
host = 								; SMTP server address 
type =  							; SMTP Auth type. By default: NONE. For example: LOGIN 
username =  						; SMTP username
password =  						; SMTP password 

;possible values for log: screen, database, file
; by default, standard logging/debug messages are hidden from screen
;logger_message[]		= screen
logger_error[]			= screen
logger_exception[]		= screen

; if configured to log in files, log files will be created in this path
; eg. if the value is tmp/logs files will be created in /path/to/piwik/tmp/logs/
logger_file_path		= tmp/logs

; all calls to the API (method name, parameters, execution time, caller IP, etc.)
; disabled by default as it can cause serious overhead and should only be used wisely
;logger_api_call[]		= file

; the list of directories in which to look for templates
template_dir[]	= plugins
template_dir[]	= themes/default
template_dir[]	= themes

plugins_dir[]	= core/SmartyPlugins
plugins_dir[] 	= libs/Smarty/plugins

compile_dir		= tmp/templates_c
cache_dir		= tmp/cache

; error reporting inside Smarty
error_reporting = E_ALL|E_NOTICE

Plugins[] 		= CorePluginsAdmin
Plugins[] 		= CoreAdminHome
Plugins[] 		= CoreHome
Plugins[] 		= API
Plugins[] 		= Widgetize
Plugins[] 		= LanguagesManager
Plugins[] 		= Actions
Plugins[] 		= Dashboard
Plugins[] 		= MultiSites
Plugins[] 		= Referers
Plugins[] 		= UserSettings
Plugins[]		= Goals
Plugins[]		= SEO

Plugins[] 		= UserCountry
Plugins[] 		= VisitsSummary
Plugins[] 		= VisitFrequency
Plugins[] 		= VisitTime
Plugins[] 		= VisitorInterest
Plugins[] 		= ExampleAPI
Plugins[] 		= ExamplePlugin
Plugins[]		= ExampleRssWidget
Plugins[] 		= ExampleFeedburner
Plugins[] 		= Provider
Plugins[]		= Feedback

Plugins[] 		= Login
Plugins[] 		= UsersManager
Plugins[] 		= SitesManager
Plugins[] 		= Installation
Plugins[] 		= CoreUpdater
; disabled in 0.7-rc1
Plugins[]       = PDFReports
Plugins[] 		= UserCountryMap

PluginsInstalled[] = Login
PluginsInstalled[] = CoreAdminHome
PluginsInstalled[] = UsersManager
PluginsInstalled[] = SitesManager
PluginsInstalled[] = Installation

Plugins_Tracker[] = Provider
Plugins_Tracker[] = Goals

Hallo heinetz,

welche Version hast Du denn im Einsatz?
Bei Version 1.4 steht in der global.ini.php:

campaign_var_name = "pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium"
campaign_keyword_var_name = "pk_kwd,piwik_kwd,utm_term"

Beste Grüße

Hallo Sebastian,

Das ist ach so eine Sache. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wo die installierte Version angezeigt wird. Ich weiss es dennoch:


… was wohl heisst, dass mit der Konfiguration pk_* genauso wie piwik_* funktioniert.


Hallo heinetz,

was hältst Du von einem Update auf 1.4?
Exakt, in einer Standardinstallation 1.4 funktioniert es mit beiden Parametern.

Beste Grüße

Hallo Sebastian,

das Update steht an aber damit ist die Ursache für das Problem nach wie vor ungeklärt.

beste gruesse,