Issue with displaying keywords in PL lang, need help :(

Can somebody help me with keywords display ? i have PIWIK in Polish language and after 3 days of using i noticed that keywords are not displaying correctly, instead of correct polish chartset and special letters like (ąćśółżź) and so on, i have this strange symbols in my search keywords. Anybody know how to solve this issue ?

Are those keywords from the internal search on your site, or keywords used on external search engines?

external like Google etc, keywords that users type in search engines to get my site as result os searching.

Could you check if the broken keywords all come from the same search engine?

as You can see in the image bellow, issue occurs from all external search engines, not only Google. even google maps :confused:

are you using Piwik 2.15.0? if not yet, please upgrade as we fixed some issues

Hi, i’am using Piwik 2.15.0 from the start, and this issue ist in Piwik 2.15.0.

Ok please create an issue on Github if not already done :slight_smile: