Is it possible to use two installations of matomo for one website?

Hi :smiley:
I use matomo on a website and want now to improve the data protection settings of matomo. It would be great, when I can learn how much the difference between the actual settings and new settings with more data protection is.

Is it possible to connect two matomo installations with a website for a period of time or will this confuse matamo? For my website I would use the already existing matomo installation at and a new installation on

Yes, it is possible to use two installations of Matomo for a single website, though it involves careful setup and management. To achieve this, you would need to install each instance of Matomo on separate directories or subdomains and configure distinct tracking codes for each. This setup allows you to collect data independently with each installation. However, managing two installations can complicate data analysis and potentially impact website performance due to the additional tracking scripts. It may be beneficial to consider alternative solutions, such as using Matomo’s multi-site tracking or segmentation features, which can manage multiple data streams within a single installation and simplify your analytics setup.

Thank you very much for your answer and the hint, that it could slow down the performance.

Hi @Schluribumbi,
As tracking requests are run asynchronously, the performance risk is very low…

Yes, you can use two Matomo installations for one website to compare data protection settings. Just ensure each installation uses different tracking codes to avoid conflicts.

Is it also possible to track a website in two different ways with one matomo installation, while using to different trackingcodeds? I am thinking of just setting up a website twice in matomo, in two different ways, then I have two tracking codes and can put them into the website.

Hi @Schluribumbi
Yes it is possible, easier with Matomo Tag Manager than via basic JavaScript.

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Perfect, thank you for your answer!