Is a Return Visit Considered an Action?

We previously established that a bounce is considered an action, and I have since learned to subtract bounces from the total number of actions before reporting average visitor behavior.

This time, I would like to know whether a return visit is considered an action.


A bounce is not really an action rather than the lack of another action after the first pageview.

A returning visit is just an action like a normal visit, just that the user was there before. It’s just another “visit property”.

In the end, what is important is how actions are counted, and not how they are interpreted, for the interpretation can vary according to one’s objective. When I previously asked whether a bounce is counted as an action, I was told yes. In other words, the value of nb_actions increases by one when a visitor bounces. Do you no longer agree on this point?

So, which of the following would be accurate for a return visitor who bounces?

nb_visits_returning (+1)
nb_actions_returning (no change)
bounce_count_returning (+1)

nb_visits_returning (+1)
nb_actions_returning (+1)
bounce_count_returning (+1)


Please provide, if appropriate.


Roddy, unfortunately, it seems like you’re really trying hard to get the concept wrong. A bounce is a pageview action with the lack of an adjacent action that follows this pageview wihtin a visit. There is nothing like a special action for bounces or a bounce action. Nothing wrong with what I said.

Hi, Peter!

OK. So, I will try again, but please play by my rules, for they are clearly the unambiguous rules of Matomo – namely, Matomo’s generated statistics. Once I have command of these, I can work the magic of the English language into what would likely be a clear statement of understanding for all English speakers.

Which of the following is an accurate MATOMO description of a bounce for a first time visitor?

Source ==> Matomo Statisitc (Registered Change)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_visits (+1)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_actions (no change)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> bounce_count (+1)

Source ==> Matomo Statisitc (Registered Change)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_visits (+1)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_actions (+1)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> bounce_count (+1)

If neither of these is correct, please provide your own statistical interpretation of a bounce.

Source ==> Matomo Statisitc (Registered Change)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_visits (fill in here)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> nb_actions (fill in here)
API.VisitsSummary.get ==> bounce_count (fill in here)
