Intranet Tracking - Employee ID


I am using piwik in intranet website (has many webpages). Will be accessed by many users / employees .


  1. We want to track what are the employess / users accessing which webpages.
  2. And What are the webpages visited by which users / employees.
    Could you please help me to create javascript / any change in piwik so that i can track the above two use cases


  1. We want to track what are the employess / users accessing which webpages.
    For this you need to tag visitors using Custom Variables, for example setting the employee name.

  2. And What are the webpages visited by which users / employees.
    For this you’d need to use Segmentation with the custom variables segment, and call the API to get the page URLs. Or wait 1 month and be able to do this in the UI: Segmentation: implement UI for adding/editing segments, and switching segments · Issue #2135 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Is UI for segment is completed…i tried latest version 1.7.1, but i coudn’t find anythin for segment UI.

And, when i use API segment for custom variables. Am able to get result as seperate excel / xml …etc , for each custom variables combination query (using idSubtable)

I want something like attached image (Untitiled.png). i tried both getCustomVariables and getCustomVariablesValuesFromNameId , but i coudn’t acheive it. should i write some custom client to do this ?

but i coudn’t acheive it. should i write some custom client to do this ?
yes, or use the TSV report with expanded=1

Thanks for your reply.

Is UI for segement is completed ? …am awaiting for it (:smiley:

Happy New Year! If you are still using Piwik and interested in the awesome new feature of “Creating a Custom Segment in Piwik and apply to reports in Real time!” we need YOUR help, with a little or big donation at:

This will allow to dynamically add or edit, a new set of rules for example “Show all visitors from USA and using Firefox and using Google”. This will be done via a simple to use interface. See screenshots and more info here:

We are crowd funding the future of Piwik and this feature in particular. With your help we can do it.

