Installing manually (temporary tables issue)

I haven’t found this covered - if it is I’d be glad if someone pointed me to the answer.

I tried to install Piwik for a new domain but the hoster doesn’t allow temporary tables (for security reasons they say). Is there a way to install Piwik manually?

I have Piwik running for another domain and with a different hoster. I made a backup of the mysql database and copied that to the new mqsql database successfully. So all the necessary tables should be there. When I run the autoinstaller there’s the error message about missing rights (because of the temp. tables).

I have then also copied the whole Piwik folder from the working domain / site to the new site and have changed the mysql access info in the config.ini.

When I access the Piwik folder on the server I get the following error message:

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘87384_0.piwik_option’ doesn’t exist

As you might guess I am not too familiar with php and/or mysql, so I’d be very glad if someone were able to point me to a solution and could explain how I go on from here?

Many thanks and best regards