Installation error - 504 Gateway Time-out when creating superuser

I’m getting 504 time-out during installation process on step for creating superuser. Did anyone have similar issues? Not sure how to troubleshoot it further.

Maybe an email configuration issue?
Have a look at the Matomo error log file.

good point, it probably is the mail. When trying to send an email from the console, based on that site it tries to send an email from my domain address, but there’s no email server configured, I’m using external provider for that.

Also can’t seem to find any matomo logs, matomo/tmp/logs, /var/log/matomo and /var/log/nginx are all empty. Is there any documentation for troubleshooting that stuff?

Is it possible to finish the installation without email configuration? It’d be great if it was optional

I’ve managed to fix it by adding emails_enabled = 0 under general in config/config.ini.php. Beware that this file written to by the Matomo during installation.

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