Insert new user in database

Hey there

I’ve got a small problem:

In my company we have a small tool to manage the accounts of our users in different applications using SQL-statements.
Now my boss wants me to integrate piwik’s user table into this tool.

I tried it using the following mysql statement. Insert into user’s table works, but the created user cannot login (‘Wrong username or password’)

 INSERT INTO piwik_user( login, password, alias, email, token_auth, date_registered )
'user_test', MD5( 'lipiby01' ) , 'A Testuser', '', MD5( 'user_test' + MD5( 'lipiby01' ) ) , NOW( )

Can you tell me what’s wrong with this statement?

Regards, Michael

Hi Michael

Do you also run a sql statement for the access table (idsite, login, access)?

I don’t know if the + works at the token_auth value in sql, are you sure that it is correct?


Did you get an installation warning about mismatched charsets? If so, and you didn’t resolve it, then you should use the API instead of modifying the database directly.

The best way to create users is to use the API: UsersManager.addUser (userLogin, password, email, alias = ‘’)

@Christian: Thanks for the tipp, mysql has a problam with ‘+’. Using CONCAT instead solves the problem:
INSERT INTO piwik_user( login, password, alias, email, token_auth, date_registered )
‘user_test’, MD5( ‘lipiby01’ ) , ‘A Testuser’, ‘’, MD5( CONCAT( ‘user_test’, MD5( ‘lipiby01’ ) ) ) , NOW( )