Index Title in the Action > "Page title" list

From one of the last versions of piwik, we have been “suffering” a very little issue is the Page Title list… because we dont have any web with “index” Title and there is that exact title.

Why does piwik is registering this “index” title in “Page Title” list?

Thanks in advance

Can you please post a screenshot?

Hi matt,

There is no “index” title for any of out home pages in these websites.

I you need other info do not hesitate to ask me more.


I have the exact same issue. Does anyone have suggestions?

Please note, this is a duplicate to 301 Moved Permanently

I think the issue here is how a “root” is being classified as an index page in title.

Perhaps a root page is being assign the title “index” automatically? This then cause confusion as one then looks to try and find a page called “index” that does not exist.

Actually, the index.html file is being named by piwik correctly with its actual title. Other items, which have names other than index, do not appear to be.

So the screenshots shown the variable being captured is for page titles


Macada or others are you finding your index pages have title=index in the source code?

If no title= then the page should not show up in the list for Page titles…

I checked with the net panel in firebug; my page titles are being submitted correctly to piwik.

There is no titles of all our pages with that name.

We also add Google Analytics in our web and there is no “index” title.

The 3rd image the top 3 pages could you send me the URLs? (If privacy is a concern even PM me them)?

The 3rd image the top 3 pages could you send me the URLs? (If privacy is a concern even PM me them)?[/quote]

I guess a problem could be that the URLs behind the titles are not visible via the Piwik UI.