In need of some help!:S

Ok, I am pretty good with wordpress as far as changing css and making a theme very unique to me.

I’m using the delegate theme by woothemes and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get this running right.

I have it installed correctly and tried to put the java in my footer file (which in this theme is footer.php not wp_footer.php)

I’ve tried putting the java script into the footer.php, but when I login to piwik on my server it shows no visits. I know for a fact I’m getting visits.

My server specs are in the attachment.

I really want to get this to work as it seems much better than google webmaster tools.

Any and all help is appreciated

Have you checked the source code of your Wordpress page to make sure the footer file is being imported correctly and you can see the Piwik Javascript tracking code in the source? That would be the first step I’d take in tracking this.

yea I’ve manually put it in the footer file.

Here is what my footer file says. Maybe I’m putting it in the wrong place

	<div id="footer" class="col-full">

		<div class="top">
			<div id="widget-left" class="col-left">
				<?php dynamic_sidebar('footer-1'); ?>    
			</div><!-- /#footer-widget-1 -->
			<div id="widget-right" class="col-right">
	        	<?php dynamic_sidebar('footer-2'); ?>    			
			</div><!-- /#footer-widget-2 -->
			<div class="fix"></div>
		</div><!-- /.top -->
		<div class="bottom">
			<div id="copyright" class="col-left">
				<p>&copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php bloginfo(); ?>. <?php _e('All Rights Reserved.', 'woothemes') ?></p>

		</div><!-- /.bottom -->

	</div><!-- /#footer -->
</div><!-- /#container -->
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
<?php woo_foot(); ?>
<!-- Piwik --> 
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "" : "");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
</script><script type="text/javascript">
try {
  var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 1);
} catch( err ) {}
</script><noscript><p><img src="" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->

I’ve tried the wp-piwik plugin but it seems to only want to write the javascript to “wp_footer.php”. My footer is just called “footer.php”.

I’ve also tried putting in it the main template index file “index.php” and still no luck.

I do have woopra installed. Maybe I should get rid of that?

Thank you for your quick response :slight_smile:

Sorry, I meant that you might want to check source code of the page in your web browser, not the PHP source code. Just to make sure Wordpress is actually pulling that footer PHP file. It’s tricky with CMS systems sometimes to know what exact file is being used where.

There should be a Piwik Plugin for Wordpress anyways that might work better than manually adding it to the PHP files.

As another step to debug, you can do a couple other things:

-Check that the JS file is being loaded (In Opera it’s really easy, just press F4 and scroll down until you get to the “Scripts” section, then you should be able to see a piwik.js script there. In Chrome, right click on page->inspect Element->Scripts tab->click on the dropdown and see if there is piwik.js)

-Install packet monitoring software such as “Fiddler” and see if a request is being made to your Piwik server.

BTW, just to be sure, “” is actually pointing to your real Piwik installation, right? haha

BTW, just to be sure, “” is actually pointing to your real Piwik installation, right? haha

lulz! nope just like to keep everything anonymous. I get what you were saying now about checking the source code, etc. Getting bedtime here. Will do everything you said to do in the morning and report back with my success or failure.

Thanks so much for your help.

Don’t wanna start a new topic so i post my question inside this topic.

I’ve got almost the same question,

Pretty good at WordPress also but i would like to include the Piwik stats (dashboard) pages inside my WordPress theme.
Not too difficult i think but i was just wondering is it possible to make different layouts (themes) for Piwik?

I see you guys also have a folder in the Piwik installation and inside that folder there is a theme name called DEFAULT. Can i add my own theme next to default and select that from the admin-/setting?
Or do i have to change the default theme and build my own custom layout inside the default template files?

Not too big of a problem but only careful about updates, what if you guys update Piwik in the futures will this overwrite all my theme changes (default folder) ?
