Impossible to access an attribute ("idVisit")


I moved my website to a new server. I tried to copy all files, including the database. PIWIk is running, but now I got some error messages. Fot the live visitors there is a message:

Error: Impossible to access an attribute (“idVisit”) on a string variable (“error”) in “@Live/getLastVisitsStart.twig” at line 6

Does anybody know what to do?


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Hi Michaelxxx,

Happened the same to me when i installed the SSL certificate to my piwik domain.

I don’t know how your server handles the request but “in my case”, as I had to force the https I had to modify the config file.

What did I do? In the config/config.ini.php file, added under the [General] section the following:

proxy_host_headers[] = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST

See if that works for you.