Images from Matomo blog are blacklisted by our company due to not registered by Symantec

I like to go to the Matomo blog (eg. Use data to develop impactful video content) and changelog (eg. Matomo 4.5).

Unfortunately, most images are not displayed:

Example of image:

The problem is that Symantec cannot define the type of website belongs to. Then this URL is blacklisted by our company.

Is it possible either to deliver images from (it seems to be the source) and/or to register the site at Symantec: Symantec Sitereview ( (we need Blue Coat ProxySG filtering service)


Thanks for pointing this out, this has been done. It may take a while for them to review this.


It’s ok, I can access the images, now :slight_smile:

Thanks for this. Symantec has reviewed this approx 4 days ago that probably made it work :slight_smile: Thanks for bringing this to our attention.