August 25, 2024, 7:59pm
I have the same problem:
Using version 5.1.1
Any solution to that problem?
Hi @54mu3l , @none
I seems your database uses several SQL collations (kind of language for string characters).
Is this error following an update or is it a fresh installation?
mysql, collation
August 28, 2024, 9:45am
It was an update to the latest 5.x version
August 28, 2024, 9:46am
Before the update everything worked well.
Same problem here, happened with the upgrade from 11.4.3 â 11.5.2. I checked all my collations, and they all match.
Hi @an0nfunc
If you did the DB migration, then I suppose the problem comes from there. You have to fix this manually, or revert to the previous DBâŚ
Hi @none
When upgrading, did you also add new plugins?
August 29, 2024, 9:28am
Hi, i did not install anything. I just run the update to the latest matomo version via matomo interface. Thete were no error messages diring the update. Since the updaze i get those sql errors.
Fix what manually? The tables and columns all have the correct collation, thatâs whatâs so weird about this.
Matomo was not upgraded since this started. Was only the mariadb upgrade.
Hi @an0nfunc , @none , @54mu3l
It seems the bug has been reported in the Matomo GitHub:
opened 06:57AM - 28 Aug 24 UTC
### What happened?
Since a few days the archiving job throws on 3 of 8 websites⌠the error ```Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' - in plugin Actions.```
The database default collection is ```utf8mb4_general_ci``` and so are all tables created since June 2021. Tables created before June 2021 are ```utf8mb4_unicode_ci```. There is **no** table with ```utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci``` charset.
Database is MariaDB 11.5.2.
### What should happen?
The archive job should complete without errors in 3 of 8 websites.
### How can this be reproduced?
run the archive job
### Matomo version
### PHP version
### Server operating system
### What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
_No response_
### Computer operating system
_No response_
### Relevant log output
Error: Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.archiveReports&idSite=11&period=year&date=2024-01-01&format=json&trigger=archivephp. Response was '{\"result\":\"error\",\"message\":\"SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' - in plugin Actions. #0 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor\\/Loader.php(317): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\PluginsArchiver->callAggregateAllPlugins(2199.0, 0, false) #1 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor\\/Loader.php(186): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\Loader->prepareAllPluginsArchive(2199.0, 0) #2 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor\\/Loader.php(165): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\Loader->insertArchiveData(2191.0, 0, false, NULL) #3 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor\\/Loader.php(105): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\Loader->prepareArchiveImpl(false) #4 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Context.php(76): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\Loader->Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\{closure}() #5 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor\\/Loader.php(102): Piwik\\\\Context::changeIdSite(11, Object(Closure)) #6 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/plugins\\/CoreAdminHome\\/API.php(306): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor\\\\Loader->prepareArchive(false) #7 [internal function]: Piwik\\\\Plugins\\\\CoreAdminHome\\\\API->archiveReports('11', Object(Piwik\\\\Period\\\\Year), '2024-01-01', false, false, false) #8 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/API\\/Proxy.php(255): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #9 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Context.php(29): Piwik\\\\API\\\\Proxy->Piwik\\\\API\\\\{closure}() #10 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/API\\/Proxy.php(158): Piwik\\\\Context::executeWithQueryParameters(Array, Object(Closure)) #11 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/API\\/Request.php(274): Piwik\\\\API\\\\Proxy->call('\\\\\\\\Piwik\\\\\\\\Plugins\\\\\\\\...', 'archiveReports', Array) #12 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/plugins\\/API\\/Controller.php(46): Piwik\\\\API\\\\Request->process() #13 [internal function]: Piwik\\\\Plugins\\\\API\\\\Controller->index() #14 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/FrontController.php(645): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #15 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/FrontController.php(169): Piwik\\\\FrontController->doDispatch('API', false, Array) #16 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/dispatch.php(33): Piwik\\\\FrontController->dispatch() #17 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/index.php(25): require_once('\\/var\\/www\\/html\\/c...') #18 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/CliMulti\\/RequestCommand.php(76): require_once('\\/var\\/www\\/html\\/i...') #19 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Plugin\\/ConsoleCommand.php(109): Piwik\\\\CliMulti\\\\RequestCommand->doExecute() #20 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/vendor\\/symfony\\/console\\/Command\\/Command.php(298): Piwik\\\\Plugin\\\\ConsoleCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #21 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Plugin\\/ConsoleCommand.php(124): Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Command\\\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #22 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/vendor\\/symfony\\/console\\/Application.php(1040): Piwik\\\\Plugin\\\\ConsoleCommand->run(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #23 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/vendor\\/symfony\\/console\\/Application.php(301): Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application->doRunCommand(Object(Piwik\\\\CliMulti\\\\RequestCommand), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #24 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Console.php(113): Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #25 [internal function]: Piwik\\\\Console->originDoRun(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #26 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Console.php(152): call_user_func(Array, Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #27 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Access.php(672): Piwik\\\\Console->Piwik\\\\{closure}() #28 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Console.php(150): Piwik\\\\Access::doAsSuperUser(Object(Closure)) #29 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Console.php(92): Piwik\\\\Console->doRunImpl(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #30 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/vendor\\/symfony\\/console\\/Application.php(171): Piwik\\\\Console->doRun(Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Input\\\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Output\\\\ConsoleOutput)) #31 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/console(32): Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application->run() #32 {main}, caused by: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' #0 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/libs\\/Zend\\/Db\\/Statement.php(300): Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo->_execute(Array) #1 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/libs\\/Zend\\/Db\\/Adapter\\/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array) #2 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/libs\\/Zend\\/Db\\/Adapter\\/Pdo\\/Abstract.php(238): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SELECT value, n...', Array) #3 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/Db\\/Adapter\\/Pdo\\/Mysql.php(336): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SELECT value, n...', Array) #4 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/DataAccess\\/ArchiveSelector.php(614): Piwik\\\\Db\\\\Adapter\\\\Pdo\\\\Mysql->query('SELECT value, n...', Array) #5 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor.php(399): Piwik\\\\DataAccess\\\\ArchiveSelector::querySingleBlob(Array, 'Actions_sitesea...') #6 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor.php(378): Piwik\\\\ArchiveProcessor->getAggregatedDataTableMapFromBlobs(Object(Generator), NULL, Array, 'Actions_sitesea...') #7 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/core\\/ArchiveProcessor.php(234): Piwik\\ ... )\\n#43 \\/var\\/www\\/html\\/console(32): Symfony\\\\Component\\\\Console\\\\Application->run()\\n#44 {main}\"}'
### Validations
- [X] Read our [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/blob/5.x-dev/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- [X] Follow our [Security Policy](https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/blob/5.x-dev/SECURITY.md).
- [X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating duplicates.
- [X] The provided steps to reproduce is a [minimal reproducible](https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example) of the Bug.
August 30, 2024, 3:48pm
@heurteph-ei Itâs not a fresh installation. The installation is running for several years now.
The issue arose a couple days ago. It might be linked to the update to Matomo v5.1.1.
But, there might also have been an automatic MariaDB update. So this could also be the root of the problem. Currently running MariaDB 11.5.2
As @an0nfunc mentioned, I also checked my collations and they seem correct.
Therefore, I donât know how I could fix this manuallyâŚ
But letâs see what the GitHub-Issue concludesâŚ
Since the data collection continues to work for now, we can wait a couple of days. But the archiving job also throws an error. Therefore I hope for a solution soon.
1 Like
This will need changes on Matomoâs side. Setting the connection collation should fix this, probably.
(Nick Dring)
September 4, 2024, 12:04pm
We also have the same issue. We updated Matomo to 5.1.1 and then the docker, which is running 11.5.2, and now we get the mismatch error.
Should we expect an update from Matomo, or do we have to fix this ourselves, and if so, how?
Hi @yellowdog ,
I think youâll have to wait for a fix.
As soon as a a pull request will be linked to the ticket and the merge approved, youâll be able to apply manually the fix on your installation, before waiting for the official release containing this fix.
See also official communication:
Attention: Weâve found a compatibility issue with MariaDB 11.5.2 and Matomo 5.1 affecting archiving. Weâre working on a fix, and until itâs available, we strongly recommend staying on your current MariaDB version. We will update you here once this is resolved.
The problem has been fixed!
MariaDB Compatibility Update: Weâve just released Matomo 5.1.2, addressing the compatibility issues with MariaDB 11.5.2. You can now update to the latest MariaDB version. Thanks for your patience. Learn more here: [image]Matomo 5.1.2 - Analytics Platform - Matomo
(Nick Dring)
September 26, 2024, 3:08pm
Hi there,
After updating to 5.1.2 I tried getting some date range views from a site but I was still seeing an error.
I could see an error in the system check:
*Database abilities *
UTF8mb4 charset
Connection collation
You database connection is configured without an explicit collation. Please update
[database] collation = ââ in the âconfig/config.ini.phpâ file with the collation to be used, to ensure all database features work as expected.
*Your currently used connection collation is: *
The default collation for your configured charset is:
So we made the collation in the INI file the same, but we still get the error.
When I try to get analytics for a date range. The error is:
Mysqli prepare error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation â=â - in plugin Referrers.
1 Like
September 26, 2024, 4:37pm
Same on my side. Issue is still there
Matomo-Version: 5.2.0-b3
Hi @yellowdog , @none
I think you should add this comment in the GitHub ticket.