Ignore cookie for self valid for all domains (not only sub domain)

I want to ignore my own traffic https://matomo.org/faq/how-to/faq_126/ gives a great explanation how to do so by setting the matomo_ignore cookie from the admin UI.

However, Matomo is running under analytics.mydomain.com so the cookie will not be valid for mydomain.com how can I tell matomo to set the cookie not for its own domain but rather for the global one?

How will the computer know it’s you if you’re like everyone else?

Since browsers revoke third party cookies, it is not possible to solve this problem with cookies. But, there are many other possibilities.

  • Block the IP-Adress via global settings.
  • Use a specific URL-query to block via global settings.
  • Use many opt-out possibilities:


you have a message

Is there an easy way to tell matomo to set the ignore cookie instead of for analytics.mydomain.com for mydomain.com?

There is no “way to tell matomo to set the ignore cookie instead of for analytics.mydomain.com for mydomain.com?”

Hi @geoHeil
I think there is no problem with the cookie to ignore your own traffic. But it will then ignore for all sites being tracked by this Matomo server.
In my case, it is working well: My domains are totally different, but the cookie works fine.
Did you try the cookie?
What is the tracking behavior?
If this doesn’t work, can you check in the browser console if some error / warnings appears on this cookie?