Iframe opt out cookie checkbox does not change

I’m using the matomo shortcode for collecting cookie consent as advised in the quickstart guide. I had no issues previously but after some recent update, the checkbox stopped working.

The symptom is that on offering the opt-out checkbox,

  1. the user clicks to uncheck either on the label or on the checkbox itself.
  2. This triggers a request in a blank window/tab which ends quickly and
  3. the iframe reloads, but the checkbox remains unchecked.

Blocker plugins are disabled, and behavior is the same in incognito mode as well. Chrome, Firefox has the same issue.
My configuration used: [matomo_opt_out font_color=1e1e1b font_size=20px font_family=sans-serif height=500] - otherwise renders properly.

Hi there,

I just tried to reproduce this but it works fine for me. Which browser is that? And which version? Do you remember if there maybe was a browser update recently that could have broken it?

I can confirm, that it works with the latest update. That’s fine for me. Thanks.