I have piwik 2.2.1 and still get error is not pointing to a piwik server: console core:archive

I run /usr/bin/php5 console core:archive --url=http://analytics.corebyte.nl/ > archive.log

And get still a error in the latest piwik 2.2.1 with the message: Error in the last Piwik archive.php run:
The Piwik URL http://analytics.corebyte.nl/index.php does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server.

Could anyone solve this problem for me?

I dont now what it could be?


if you execute

lynx "http://analytics.corebyte.nl/"

or wget instead of lynx,

does it load the Piwik login screen?

Has the same problem… After debugging I found out I did not install curl on my new server… That results in that error. Try installing the curl module for php and try again.

Example for Debian:

apt-get install php5-curl

Please try and report back :slight_smile:

Hi GerardW,

Thanks for you’re reply.
I am sorry to say that php5-curl already is installed, so thats not the problem.

It might be because you did not specify the full path to the console file? Did you try:

/usr/bin/php5 /path/to/console core:archive --url=http://analytics.corebyte.nl/ > archive.log

root@web1:/var/www/analytics.corebyte.nl/web# /usr/bin/php5 /var/www/analytics.corebyte.nl/web/console core:archive --url=http://analytics.corebyte.nl/ > archive.log
PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with ‘#’ are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/ming.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0
Error in the last Piwik archive.php run:
The Piwik URL http://analytics.corebyte.nl/index.php does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was ‘PHP Deprecated: Comments starting with ‘#’ are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/ming.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0
a:40:{s:9:“nb_visits”;s:6:“Visits”;s:16:“nb_uniq_visitors”;s:15:“Unique visitors”;s:10:“nb_actions”;s:7:“Actions”;s:20:“nb_actions_per_visit”;s:17:“Actions per Visit”;s:16:“avg_time_on_site”;s:20:“Avg. Time on Website”;s:11:“bounce_rate”;s:11:“Bounce Rate”;s:15:“conversion_rate”;s:15:“Conversion Rate”;s:5:“label”;s:5:“Label”;s:4:“date”;s:4:“Date”;s:16:“avg_time_on_page”;s:17:“Avg. time on page”;s:14:“sum_time_spent”;s:41:“Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)”;s:16:“sum_visit_length”;s:41:“Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)”;s:12:“bounce_count”;s:7:“Bounces”;s:22:“bounce_count_returning”;s:33:“Bounce Count for Returning Visits”;s:11:“max_actions”;s:28:“Maximum actions in one visit”;s:21:“max_actions_returning”;s:38:“Maximum actions in one returning visit”;s:29:“nb_visits_converted_returning”;s:36:“Number of converted returning visits”;s:26:“sum_visit_length_returning”;s:51:“Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)”;s:19:“nb_visits_converted”;s:23:“Visits with Conversions”;s:14:“nb_conversions”;s:11:“Conversions”;s:7:“revenue”;s:7:“Revenue”;s:7:“nb_hits”;s:9:“Pageviews”;s:15:“entry_nb_visits”;s:9:“Entrances”;s:22:“entry_nb_uniq_visitors”;s:16:“Unique entrances”;s:14:“exit_nb_visits”;s:5:“Exits”;s:21:“exit_nb_uniq_visitors”;s:12:“Unique exits”;s:18:“entry_bounce_count”;s:7:“Bounces”;s:17:“exit_bounce_count”;s:7:“Bounces”;s:9:“exit_rate”;s:9:“Exit rate”;s:26:“sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors”;s:27:“Unique visitors (daily sum)”;s:32:“sum_daily_entry_nb_uniq_visitors”;s:28:“Unique entrances (daily sum)”;s:31:“sum_daily_exit_nb_uniq_visitors”;s:24:“Unique exits (daily sum)”;s:16:“entry_nb_actions”;s:27:“Actions after entering here”;s:22:“entry_sum_visit_length”;s:61:“Total time spent by visitors (in seconds) after entering here”;s:9:“nb_events”;s:12:“Total events”;s:15:“sum_event_value”;s:11:“Total value”;s:15:“min_event_value”;s:13:“Minimum value”;s:15:“max_event_value”;s:13:“Maximum value”;s:15:“avg_event_value”;s:13:“Average value”;s:20:“nb_events_with_value”;s:19:“Events with a value”;}’.

Here is the full errors output:

Piwik is installed at: http://analytics.corebyte.nl/index.php
Running Piwik 2.2.1 as Super User

We are almost there Stown, I had the same issue. Because and error / warning is outputted, the response isnt valid json and can’t be parsed. We need to get rid of that warning and it should work.

I dont’t know exactly what you config files look like, but this could be it:

in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/ming.ini


# configuration for php MING module




I meant serialized data instead of json…

Thanks GerardW! That was the solution! Strange that a comment is the problem. Oké, thanks!

Glad I could help!