HTML/PDF graphs not showing up

I can’t not get graphs to show up on HTML/PDF email reports. Graphs are showing up ok everywhere else.

I am running the latest version 1.7.1. Anything I’m missing?

Install GD and FReetype extensions?

Thank you Matt, that did it. I installed freetype and recompiled php with freetype option.

Same problem, but both Freetype and GD installed. Any ideas where to look further?

$ php -i | grep "FreeType"
FreeType Support => enabled
FreeType Linkage => with freetype
FreeType Version => 2.3.11

$ dev@prolefeed:/tmp$ php -i | grep "GD "
GD Support => enabled
GD Version => 2.0
GD Support => enabled


Look at your Apache server error logs, maybe you will find the message there?