Hi all,
I am searching for a guide to implement products purchase tracking to an ecomerce website. I found some solutions for Matomo’s Javascript code, but I use the Matomo Tag Manager. I already successfully set up the basic ecoomerce tracking, following this forum entry https://fr.matomo.org/faq/tag-manager/faq_35847/. But this only gives me information about the total purchase made within an order. Of course I want to know, which products were sold in detail in a purchase.
I already read this forum entry Product purchase tracking with Tag Manager, but didn’t understand fully, what to do now to implement all the neccessary steps. I understand the principle, but I am not able to derive a complete solution from that. What do I have to prepare in the Tag manager itself? What do I have to implement in a script on my webiste for tracking all the products sold within an individual purchase?
Could anyone please provide a complete and understandable advice - like the tutorial for the global purchase tracking mentioned above? That listed ALL neccessary steps and it worked instantly.
I am wondering about the fact, that such a standard functionality, which would be useful to many Matomo users, isn’t explained somewhere in an understandbale way.
thank you for your reply and sorry for the delay of my answer. Yes, I know this , but I can’t make sense of it. For me it seems to handle just tracking of a single product and the neccessary requirements (variables…) in the Tag Manager seem to be missing.
I noticed your fine website in the meantime and would like to contact you in german via that – OK? Maybe we could come to a solution that way.