How to get widget "visits in real-time report"?

Hello Everyone!

I’ve just upgraded Matomo to Version 4.15.1,
and missing this widget from my Matomo version before…
How to get widget “visits in real-time report” in Matomo 4.15.1?
such like this:

I can only see this in Matomo 4.15.1:
Administration > Flatform > Wdigets > Widgetize reports > Visitors > Real-Time visitors count
and there’s only option for Real-Time visitors count and no Visits in Real-time available.

Anyone can point me?

Thank you very much,
Much appreciated!

Jerry Salfian

yep working fine on my end : Dashboard > Visitors > Visits in real-time > it will add the widget in the left side, check screenshot (even though the option is grayed out, it still works once I clicked it)

Hello @metrprime,

Thank you for your feedback Easton,
Unfortunately… I can’t see that option on my back end…

What should I do to get that widgetize report in my back end?
Something went wrong or glicht with my installation?

Could you direct me?

Thank you vey much!
Jerry Salfian

Hi @Jerry_Salfian
Can you check the configuration, :gear: > System > General settings:

Hello Phillippe

Such like This?

Am I missing somethings?

Yes, does this change something?

I don’t get it…
Nothings changed…
The result is still…
NO widget “visits in real-time report” in Matomo 4.15.1 in my back end…

Hi @Jerry_Salfian
What about the Live Plugin ( :gear: > System > Plugins). Is it active?

More info from Matomo System Check:

<summary>Click to view System Check</summary>

### Mandatory checks

#### PHP version >= 7.2.5:
 ✔ 7.3.33

#### PDO extension:

#### PDO\MYSQL extension:

#### MYSQLI extension:

#### Other required extensions:
 ✔ zlib ✔ json ✔ filter ✔ hash ✔ session

#### Required functions:
 ✔ debug_backtrace ✔ eval ✔ hash ✔ gzcompress ✔ gzuncompress ✔ pack

#### Required PHP configuration (php.ini):
 ✔ session.auto_start = 0 ✔ max_execution_time = 0 OR = -1 OR >= 30

#### Directories with write access:
 ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/assets ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/cache ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/climulti ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/latest ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/logs ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/sessions ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/tcpdf ✔ $DOC_ROOT/tmp/templates_c

#### Directories with write access for Tag Manager:
 ✔ $DOC_ROOT/js

### Optional checks

#### Required Private Directories:
 ✔ All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.

#### Recommended Private Directories:
 ✔ All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.

#### File integrity:

#### 64-bit PHP Binary:

#### Tracker status:

#### Memory limit:
 ✔ 512M

#### Time zone:

#### Open URL:
 ✔ curl

#### PageSpeed is turned off:

#### GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics):

#### Other extensions:
 ✔ json ✔ libxml ✔ dom ✔ SimpleXML ✔ openssl

#### Other functions:
 ✔ shell_exec ✔ set_time_limit ✔ mail ✔ parse_ini_file ✔ glob ✔ gzopen ✔ md5_file

#### Filesystem:

#### Set up Cron - Managing processes via CLI:
 not supported (optional) (Reasons: Unknown) learn more

#### Last Successful Archiving Completion:
 ✔ The archiving process completed successfully 00:16:50 ago.

#### Database abilities:
 ✔ UTF8mb4 charset ✔ LOAD DATA INFILE ✔ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ✔ Changing transaction isolation level

#### Max Packet Size:

#### Forced SSL Connection:
 ⚠ Warning: We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add <code>force_ssl = 1</code> to the <code>General</code> section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.

#### Geolocation:
 ✔ ip2location (country_code, country_name, continent_code, continent_name, region_code, region_name, city_name, lat, long)

#### Update over HTTPS:

#### Writable JavaScript Tracker ("/matomo.js"):

### Informational results

#### Matomo Version:

#### Matomo Update History:

#### Matomo Install Version:

#### Latest Available Version:

#### Is Git Deployment:

#### PHP_OS:


#### PHP SAPI:

#### Timezone Version:

#### PHP Timezone:

#### PHP Time:

#### PHP Datetime:
 2023-10-09 14:27:43

#### PHP INI max_execution_time:

#### PHP INI post_max_size:

#### PHP INI max_input_vars:

#### PHP INI zlib.output_compression:

#### Curl Version:
 8.2.1, OpenSSL/1.1.1v

#### Suhosin Installed:

#### DB Prefix:

#### DB Charset:

#### DB Adapter:

#### MySQL Version:

#### Num Tables:

#### Browser Segment Archiving Enabled:

#### Development Mode Enabled:

#### Internet Enabled:

#### Multi Server Environment:

#### Auto Update Enabled:

#### Custom User Path:

#### Custom Include Path:

#### Release Channel:

#### Plugins Activated:
 API, Actions, Annotations, BulkTracking, Contents, CoreAdminHome, CoreConsole, CoreHome, CorePluginsAdmin, CoreUpdater, CoreVisualizations, CoreVue, CustomDimensions, CustomJsTracker, DBStats, Dashboard, DeviceDetectorCache 4.3.1, DevicePlugins, DevicesDetection, Diagnostics, Ecommerce, Events, Feedback, GeoIp2, Goals, Heartbeat, IP2Location 4.1.2, ImageGraph, Insights, Installation, Intl, IntranetMeasurable, LanguagesManager, Live, Login, Marketplace, MobileAppMeasurable, MobileMessaging, Monolog, Morpheus, MultiSites, Overlay, PagePerformance, PrivacyManager, ProfessionalServices, Proxy, Referrers, ReferrersManager 4.0.4, Resolution, RssWidget, SEO, ScheduledReports, SegmentEditor, SitesManager, TagManager, TagManagerExtended 4.2.0, Tour, TrackingSpamPrevention 4.1.7, Transitions, TwoFactorAuth, UserCountry, UserCountryMap, UserId, UserLanguage, UsersManager, VisitFrequency, VisitTime, VisitorInterest, VisitsSummary, WebsiteMeasurable, Widgetize

#### Plugins Deactivated:

#### Plugins Invalid:

#### Server Info:

#### Had visits in last 1 day:

#### Had visits in last 3 days:

#### Had visits in last 5 days:

#### Archive Time Last Started:
 2023-10-09 14:10:51

#### Archive Time Last Finished:
 2023-10-09 14:10:52

#### User Agent:
 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0

#### Browser Language:

#### Total Invalidation Count:

#### In Progress Invalidation Count:

#### Scheduled Invalidation Count:

#### Earliest invalidation ts_started:

#### Latest invalidation ts_started:

#### Earliest invalidation ts_invalidated:

#### Latest invalidation ts_invalidated:

#### Number of segment invalidations:

#### Number of plugin invalidations:

#### List of plugins being invalidated:

#### Anonymize Referrer:

#### Do Not Track enabled:


More info’s about the crontab:

Since all of websites user hosting in my main server are my websites, then all of the Crontabs handle in the system background from my main server root and not running from each weabsite user host.
All cron jobs found in this directory are loaded into memory by the cron service running in the background.

[root@srv8 ~]# ls /var/spool/cron/
ads247  business  clamav  freesolo  jerrysalfian  jsalfian  jsmarket  root  safemail  theairma
[root@srv8 ~]#

[root@srv8 ~]# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
cat: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/: No such file or directory
[root@srv8 ~]#

[root@srv8 ~]# cat /var/spool/cron/jsmarket
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/ea-php73 -f ./phpbbcli.php cron:run >/dev/null 2>&1
5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ea-php73 -f /home/jsmarket/public_html/matomo/console core:archive --url= > /home/jsmarket/public_html/matomo-archive.log >/dev/null 2>&1
6 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ea-php73 -f /home/jsmarket/public_html/matomo/console core:archive --url= > /home/jsmarket/public_html/matomo-archive.log >/dev/null 2>&1
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/ea-php73 -f /home/jsmarket/public_html/matomo/console device-detector-cache:warm-cache >/dev/null 2>&1
0 0,12 * * * /usr/local/bin/php73 -q /home/jsmarket/public_html/support/cron/email_overdue_tickets.php >/dev/null 2>&1
[root@srv8 ~]#

Like this?

@Jerry_Salfian yes, I am using Matomo v4.15.1 and PHP v8.1.24

@Jerry_Salfian I am not sure what else you can do.

Maybe de-activate the plugin and re-activate it.

Another thing that comes to mind is a server restart and push cron tabs to start again, and check after.
Also change the date of the dashboard, lets say choose “year”, maybe this will reset it.

Maybe @heurteph-ei has more suggestions : )

Still Not working…

Will try this in the next reboot…

I’ve already tried that in the current running server process… still not worked.

Maybe to do this After the server rebooted?

Hi @Jerry_Salfian
In the mesureables configuration, there is also, per site, an available configuration ( :gear: > Measurables > Manage):

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Oh yes, I see it in Settings (Administration) > Websites > Manage > select the website Edit icon

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Thank you very much for your support!
Much aapreciated!

Now I can get widgetize “visits in real-time report” in Matomo 4.15.1

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