We have the Custom Reports plugin and are struggling with the following usecase;
For a custom dimension, per server hour, per server minute, display the total amount of unique users for any given minute.
We have heartbeats configured for 45s.
Our average visit duration is 30min. If we have 2000 users active from 00:00 to 00:30, we would expect that the report would display:
Custom Dimension - 00 - 00 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 00 - 01 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 00 - 02 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 00 - 03 - 2000
And from 00:30 to 01:00, 2000 new active users visit the site:
Custom Dimension - 30 - 00 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 30 - 01 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 30 - 02 - 2000
Custom Dimension - 30 - 03 - 2000
Then if we view the report the given hour, it should display 4000 users:
Custom Dimension - 00 - 4000
Our Custom Report is setup with;
Server Time - Hour
Server Time - Minute
Unique Visitors
Unique Event Actions
The reports doesn’t make sense when you break it down per minute. I’ll attach a screenshot of the report
Are we using the wrong Dimensions ? Or are we not able to get this data from Custom Reports?