How to config Piwik-laravel

I installed piwik in subdomain and installed Laravel-Piwik(RobBrazier/Laravel package), i can login into piwik panel form and set below value for properties in piwik.php

private $piwik_url = ''; private $site_id = '1'; private $apikey = ''; private $username = 'my username for login to piwik panel'; private $password = 'my password for login to piwik panel';

I can’t find any apiKey on piwik panel to set $apiKe,now when i used
Piwik-laravel in blades(try to use {!! Piwik::visits(‘json’) !!}) i get
bellow error:

You must enter your API Key or Username/Password combination to use this bundle!

English isn’t my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

apiKey in Piwik is called token_auth: What is the token_auth and where can I find this token to use in the API calls? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Would be great if you suggest to Laravel integration developer to add a note or link to this URL in their documentation :+1: