How can I track grouped URLs?

I have groups of URLs (pages) that are all within a directory, so for example >

What I’d like to do is track all URLs that are in the /example/ directory.

I’ve done this using “Goals” but I’m not sure if this is correct - is there another way?

What I’d like to do is see the clicks the URLs are getting in that specific directory (ideally broken down by URL)


Hi @concise

Do you want to track only pageviews that are in Then just add your tracking code in these pages…

I think my first assumption was wrong… You want to know which links in your whole site redirect to If so, I suggest you use tracking via MTM (it will be easier to implement). Then add pages views on all pages, and link tracking.
In the dashboard, create a custom dimension on URLs starting with that will filter visits that contain these pages. With this segment, use the page transition to know page predecessors of pages. Other informations will be available in the events reports.