Hits from nowhere

I have noticed that a few hits recorded on Matomo do not come from one of the configured sites, but result from a direct POST request (where a configured site is correctly added in parameters). Is this normal behavior? Is it possible to avoid this and make direct requests that do not come from a site (as a real visit) be ignored?
It is as if the browser or server that generated the first contact some time ago continues to ping Matomo with the same original POST request.
I say this because the contact (IP) that then generated the POST request on the domain where Matomo is configured does not appear on the real website server.

Thats very complicated to understand it what you mean.

First: yes, it is possible. You can matomo configure, that only visits from specific domains are tracked. This affects for example visits of your webpage on archive.org.

Administration → Websites → Manage
Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.

Second: there are bots, that not identifiable as bots. This bots are JavaScript Bots.

This JS Bots can create a matomo tracking URL and send it from your websites autonomously. This is a fuction to imagine a real human.

The next problem is, that browser can empty the referrer. With a empty referrer no idendification of the website/domain is possible.

What you can do is to include a “i am a human” question in your websites. But that dont filter the bots that send the tracking autonomously.

Yes, its difficult to filter all non-human visitors. On one of my websites with ~100.000 pages i had include a “i am a human” question and after i had that only 10 % visitors tracked.

Sorry, I didn’t explain myself clearly.
Website is on domain website_com and matomo installation is on domain matomo_com. In website_com i have a matomo container which track user correctly.
The problem is that I am receiving contacts on Matomo that are not generated by the website, but these are POST requests that arrive directly on matomo_com (in the parameters correctly contain the website_com as a site - if they did not contain it or there was an unconfigured domain they would not be tracked).
I say this because on Matomo I see the IP contact at a certain time, but on the website (server log) this is not there.
I thought that matomo only accepts contacts when the referrer is the configured site.