HeatmapSessionRecording plugin recording incomplete screenshots


We are trying to use the HeatmapSessionRecording plugin to capture heatmaps of one of our sites. However we get incomplete screenshots.

Digging a bit deeper we realized that we can manually capture screenshots by adding _paq.push(['HeatmapSessionRecording::captureInitialDom', {heatmapId}]) when the last block loads.

Now for our purposes since all components are lazy loaded its impossible to find our when the last component loads so we added the event on click so that we can control how long we can wait before triggering the screenshot. Even then it captured incomplete screenshot.

Any help would be appreciated.


What do you mean by incomplete screenshots? Lately I’ve been noticing that my screenshots on the Heatmap for the HeatmapSessionRecording plug in takes a screenshot and the whole page isn’t in view. It like the header and footer are jammed together and misses a bunch of the page . Wondering if that’s what you’re seeing or if it’s something else.

Hello @Prithviraj_Chaudhuri Since this issue is related to premium plugin, please reached out to us at shop@matomo.org so we can check on this further.

Yes, the screenshot recorded only has the header and footer

I had the same issue. I don’t know if it was something with my firewall, but I’ve created some new heatmaps of the same thing that was recording incorrectly and for some reason the new ones appear correct. I don’t know if you found a reason why it was happening but thought I’d let you know that when I created new ones they seemed to work.

Hi @Jeff_Rowley. Possible that heatmap capture a screenshot of your page while the Dom is not fully rendered. If this happens again the future, you can capture the heatmap snapshot manually by following this guide: https://matomo.org/faq/heatmap-session-recording/how-to-capture-the-initial-heatmap-snapshot-manually/