Heatmap Matomo et $MATOMO_URL

Bonjour a tous !
nous voulons configurer plugin Heatmap

Mais dans le systemcheck de matomo,on vois toujours ce message :

Heatmap & Session Recording Tracking: :warning: Warning: Requesting ‘$MATOMO_URLplugins/HeatmapSessionRecording/configs.php?idsite=1&trackerid=5lX6EM&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.test%2F’ resulted in an error: curl_exec: operation timed out after 2001 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received. hostname requested was: domainesX.net. As a result, tracking Heatmaps and Session Recordings may not work. You may need to change your webserver configuration to allow access to this file via the Internet or Intranet.

nous pensons que le « $MATOMO_URL » est mal configurée, mais nous ne savons pas où elle est configurée?
pouvez nous nous aider ?
merci beaucoup !

Hi there,

Can you access the URL mentioned from your browser? If so your Matomo is somehow being blocked to this URL. If not can you make sure the plugin folders are accessible.