Heatmap does not show the full width of page

I created a heatmap and now i’m having a problem about the full width of the page not rendering correctly. The heatmap does not include the navigation column in the left side. see image below

How can I fix this? Please help, thanks!

Hi @carisma_k8 I have replied to the email you sent us. If you have further questions, please respond via email.

I tried changing the heatmap views, but still no navigation in the left side:

How often does the heatmap screenshot changes?

Hi @carisma_k8

I would say: never, except if you delete it:

weird… because I have my homepage screenshot. Then when I visited my heatmap again… the screenshot was replaced… the login popup is over the homepage

Hi @carisma_k8
You can wait before doing the screenshot: