Graphs not displaying

I have installed piwik, and none of the graphs are displaying.
it is outputting the following in every square a graph should be:

Displaying Graphs in Piwik requires Flash >= 9.0.0. More information about displaying graphs in Piwik.
<\/title><\/head>" + Control.OFC.image(src) + "

To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."<\/p><\/body><\/html>"); } }; if (typeof Control == "undefined") { var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}; } // By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing "save image locally" calls this function. function save_image() { OFC.jquery.popup("VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf"); } swfobject.embedSWF( "libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf?piwik=0.4.1", "VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf", "100%", "150", "9.0.0", "libs/swfobject/expressInstall.swf", { "data-file":"index.php%3Fmodule%3DVisitsSummary%26action%3DgetEvolutionGraph%26columns%5B%5D%3Dnb_visits%26idSite%3D1%26period%3Dday%26date%3D2009-06-07%2C2009-07-06%26viewDataTable%3DgenerateDataChartEvolution", "loading":"Loading..." }, { "allowScriptAccess":"always", "wmode":"opaque" }, {"bgcolor":"#FFFFFF"} );

I’m completly lost, as I’ve installed flash 10 and made sure firefox had it listed as installed.
Any help?

This should be fixed in 0.4.2. The Flash version detection is improved when multiple Flash versions are detected.

You could try fully removing Flash, rebooting, and reinstalling.

Hello. Sorry for re-opening topic, but i have problem described here.

I’ve already used the advice given here, with no results.

Additional info: I have flash plugin 10 series, using Firefox 3.0.14, Piwik 0.4.3, Linux Mandriva, 64-bit architecture. Are the example graphs on Piwik main page done in the flash architecture too? Because I can see them.

scool: the exact same error message? Pm your site url and login info, and I’ll take a look.

Displaying Graphs in Piwik requires Flash >= 9.0.0. More information about displaying graphs in Piwik.
" + Control.OFC.image(src) + "

To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."<\/p><\/body><\/html>"); } }; 
if (typeof Control == "undefined") { var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}; } // By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing "save image locally" calls this function. 
function save_image() { OFC.jquery.popup("VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf"); } swfobject.embedSWF( "libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf?piwik=0.4.3", "VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf", "100%", "150", "9.0.0", "libs/swfobject/expressInstall.swf", 
{ "data-file":"index.php%3Fmodule%3DVisitsSummary%26action%3DgetEvolutionGraph%26columns%5B%5D%3Dnb_visits%26idSite%3D1%26period%3Dday%26date%3D2009-08-26%2C2009-09-24%26viewDataTable%3DgenerateDataChartEvolution", "loading":"Loading..." }, { "allowScriptAccess":"always", "wmode":"opaque" }, {"bgcolor":"#FFFFFF"} ); 

As You can see. I’ll send You the information You need as you requested.

Sorry. We can’t fix this.

To summarize: This is an ad-supported web hosting provider that injects JavaScript and HTML into the served content in order to place their name and Google Analytics tracking code in the “footer”. Unfortunately, it has a broken parser and it borked the embedded JavaScript used to instantiate the Flash charts. It also tampers with the JSON data stream that feeds the Open Flash Charts.

OK, thanks anyway.

I have the same problem, since I updated to 0.4.4. It wasnt before.
My hoster adds an ad code only for content-type text/html. JSON should be application/json, javascript should be text/javascript.

Why does this error occure now with 0.4.4, but didnt with the prior version?

I guess, the problem is not based on my hosters ad code. It is based on wrong content-type when piwik delivers json and/or javascript content.

Any idea to fix it?
Or do I really have to change back to google analytics?

Prior to Piwik 0.2.35, the data feed was a custom data structure. The current JSON data feeds for Open Flash Charts 2 are incorrectly sent as text/html, and yes, we’re going to fix this in Piwik 0.5.

The other problem with scool’s hosting provider is that the ad injector parsed the JavaScript on the page incorrectly and corrupted the HTML. We added more JavaScript to support the ‘Save as image’ feature for charts.

I have the same problem, but only on one of my servers. Fixing it in 0.5 is nice, but not being able to see the number of visitors is not. Do you have an ETA for 0.5? And is there anything I can use as a workaround in the mean time?

We just released 0.4.4 (and a follow-up patch in 0.4.5) within the past 48 hrs.

You can follow our progress towards 0.5 here.
0.5 tickets

0.4.3 working nice
when i upgrade straight to 0.4.5 (using the upgrade tool) things are working except the graphs

Displaying Graphs in Piwik requires Flash >= 9.0.0. More information about displaying graphs in Piwik.
“); } }; if (typeof Control == “undefined”) { var Control = {OFC: OFC.jquery}; } // By default, right-clicking on OFC and choosing “save image locally” calls this function. function save_image() { OFC.jquery.popup(“VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf”); } swfobject.embedSWF( “libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf?piwik=0.4.5”, “VisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphChart_swf”, “100%”, “150”, “9.0.0”, “libs/swfobject/expressInstall.swf”, { “data-file”:“index.php%3Fmodule%3DVisitsSummary%26action%3DgetEvolutionGraph%26columns%255B%255D%3Dnb_visits%26idSite%3D1%26period%3Dday%26date%3D2009-09-23%2C2009-10-22%26viewDataTable%3DgenerateDataChartEvolution”, “loading”:“Chargement…” }, { “allowScriptAccess”:“always”, “wmode”:“opaque” }, {“bgcolor”:”#FFFFFF"} );

When reverting back work like a charm

Free web hosting sites which inject ads into the html are not supported by Piwik. This may work again in a future release, but we aren’t making any changes specifically for these environments.

We’ve made some changes in svn that might help. Try it out and let us know.

I too am not getting graphs to display, in either Firefox or IE6 or Seamonkey, and I have installed Flash 10.

If anyone’s interested in helping me, would be happy to provide the code that’s showing up in my Piwik.
