Hello there,
I am trying to install and test the Google Analytics importer on my Matomo installation.
I am using Wordpress.
My Matomo version is 3.13.6.
Php Version - 7.3.16
Im getting below issue on this plugin:
[GoogleAnalyticsImporter] Required Executables (nohup)
Matomo cannot find the nohup executable. The Google Analytics Importer uses nohup to execute the import process so it will continue on its own after a web request finishes. This executable must be present and accessible from PHP in order for the importer to function.
At the moment, the plugin depends on having the nohup program installed on the webserver. So (assuming you are using Linux and have access to the server) you just need to install it using the normal way on your distribution and test it on the commandline with e.g. nohup ls.
If you don’t have access to the server, I’d recommend asking your host if they can help you. You can find more information here:
Hello, I have the same error and my host is saying that the command had its output redirected into a file called nohup.out, meaning that nohup is installed already. How do I resolve this error message that suddenly came out? (I guess because my GA import has failed).
Ok, I read about the fix coming in next release and meanwhile I have deactivated the plugin GA-Importer.
Thus I got the diagnostic error: “File to delete: nohup.out”. Do I ignore it or what?