GoogleAnalyticsImporter plugin support in windows


Is there anyone who has used the [Google Analytics Import] plugin in matomo installed on Windows? I was just wondering if matomo, based on windows, supports using Google Analytic plugin?


Should be no problem.

It probably won’t work out of the box. See here:

But adapting it to also work on Windows shouldn’t be a lot of work.

Thanks for the reply.

The question is why you don’t find anything about the platform in the requirements.


This should now work with

in the latest release.

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for the action.

Now I updated the files RequiredExecutablesCheck.php and Tasks.php with the new ones from Github, and the problem with the nohup was solved now :slight_smile: Well done!

But this problem still remains.

  • [GoogleAnalyticsImporter] Required Executables (php)

Do you have any idea how this problem coluld be solved? Is it still related to GA importer or to something else like php installation?

Thanks a lot.


The plugin uses the same code for finding a php binary as the rest of Matomo.

I am not too familiar with Windows, but is your php binary in PATH? (so if you execute php -v in some terminal window, does it execute your php binary?)

Hi, how did you solve the 'Required Executables (PHP) issue ?