GoogleAnalyticsImporter on Wordpress multisite


I am installing Matomo plugin on a wordpress website to replace Google Analytics. In the process I need to import the Google Analytics data thanks to the dedicated plugin (GoogleAnalyticsImporter)

The Wordpress website is multisite, so I need to import the data of two Google Analytics properties.

I already followed the Matomo guide ( for he two instances. It works well for the first one, but I cannot achieve anything with the second instance. Unfortunately I cannot get debug information so I don’t kown what the error is.

The only thing I can tell is when I create the import task on the second instance, the task only change of status : “started”, then “ongoing” then “killed (with no error)”.

I would need some help to debug things.

Thanks !

Upon checking, it’s possible to import data from n properties
each properties will have 1 new site

Property1 → site2
Property3 → site3
Property4 → site4

For more insight, please check on this guide.

If this one doesn’t work could you please tell us more information on what is not working exactly?


I didn’t succed to make it work properly with the initial configuration (Matomo as a wordpress plugin) but I suspect that the import did’nt succeed because the tracking has been enabled automatically, and I didn’t see that in the first place. maybe that was the issue ?

I ended up installing Matomo On Premise, and tis time, the Google Analytics Import did work for both sites of my multisite network.


Hello Chris,

Thanks for keeping us updated. Glad to hear that everything is fine with Matomo On-Premise. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to let us know.