Google Images referrer not working correctly?


it seems like the visitors from google images arent counted correctly - i dont know if its just with my piwik installations or a general problem. Webalizer says i had about 500 users from google images yesterday on one project - but piwik thinks it was just one.

I guess that piwik has some problem with the referrer from google images? It seems like piwik counts users from google images as direct visitors - anybody else got the same effect?

Have a nice day guys.

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could you please look into “piwik_log_visit” and look at the “referer” field, if you can see Google image referer that are not properly counted as Google images in the table? thanks

hi matthieu, thank you for your answer.

i took a look and it seems as if there is no referrer logged when i go to the site from google images. I also tried it myself and took a look on the referrer in the db when i clicked on my own images on google images before (with 2 different browsers) - there is no referrer logged at all.

I have a framebuster-javascript in my pages to jump out of the google images frame - is it possible that this script eats my referer / is executed before piwik can log the referer?

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Was my fault, the framebuster javascript reloaded the page before piwik could get the referer. Thanks for your help.

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