Goal Tracking Mailchimp

Hi Folks,

i have the following problem:

  1. Tracking is set on domain1.com
  2. User signs up for Newsletter
  3. User is receiving confirmation email from mailchimp
    3.a in HTML source of mailchimp subsricption page i embeded the image tracker

img src=“http://domain1.com/piwik.php?idsite=XX&rec=1&idgoal=Y” style=“border:0” alt=""

  1. I’ve created a goal - is manually triggered
    4 a. after click on “confirm email” - Landing page on redirects to: https://xxxx.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe/confirm?u=hashwhatever

  2. create another goal - when visitor visits a given url contains: xxxx.us2.list-manage.com

  3. same as 4a

  4. I see all incoming requests to piwik.php?idsite=xxx&goalid=Y&rec=1 in my nginx logs

Any ideas?


