Geolocation - Maxmind paid DB - ISP and ORG not working

I have made the following settings for Geolocation:

with the links from the maxmind backend:

As you can see, the download is confirmed.

Nevertheless I do not get Org / ISP Info in Visitor Log but just numbers / chars:

What am I not getting here?
Could anyone assist?

Thanks a lot,


Hello Iduro,

have you solved your problem? I am faced with exactly the same issue.

When deactivating Piwik’s Provider plugin as recommended in FAQ No. 180 all provider information is lost.
When re-activating the Provider plugin I can retrieve the ISP information (which is sometimes replaced by the organization name) but there seems to be no difference to the situation before integrating the MaxMind databases. As suggested in FAQ No. 180 Piwik’s Provider plugin overrides the information provided by the MaxMind databases.

So how can I access the organization data?

Many thanks,


It is possible that this feature has regressed and not work as well as it used to. Could you please create abug report with your information on our issue tracker? Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

With an issue in our tracker, we will investigate in the coming weeks, thanks

Thank you for investigating, Matt.
I just created an issue ( #8927) for this.
