GD not found

For some reason, piwik says it cannot find the gd library. It is installed for sure. The graphs show fine in the browser version, but not the piwik 2 mobike. And the crazy part - the sparklines work on both.

What could cause this? I really want to see graphs on my mobile!

If piwik says GD is not enabled it is most likely not enabled. Have a look in your phpinfo if you see GD listed there?

Yes it is. And it is found in phpinfo.

Check also that TTF support is enabled with GD ?

After doing a little research, I seen that in WHM EasyAache, there was an option to re-compile with TTF. Done that and it fixed it… Thanks matt!

PHP needs to be setup with FreeType Support

I clarified this in the UI in: Clarifying inline help that freetype is required too · matomo-org/matomo@60ab6b2 · GitHub