Flat page URL reports

Hi Matt,
if we make flat a Page Url yearly report for a high traffic web site, Piwik endlessly processes the request without giving any error/response.
On the contrary, on a shorter period (Month, Week) we get the correct response in less than 30 secs.
RAM assigned to php is about 3Gb.

Do you have any suggestions?

Best regards

Luca Basso
Alberto Badiali

Flattening reports can be slow. Maybe we can make algorithm faster though I’m not sure how we could do this.

Flattening reports can be slow. Maybe we can make algorithm faster though I’m not sure how we could do this.[/quote]

Unfortunately, it’s not just a matter of how fast is the algorithm. The point is that we can’t get any response at all, even if we wait for a long time.
If we get an answer for a monthly period in about 30sec. we shoud reasonably expect a response in about 6-7 minutes for
a yearly report.
Why the time response seems not to be proportional to the requested period?

if you do not get a response, then the server crashed for some reasons. check your server error logs?