Fire 3rd party pixels or postbacks on conversions

Hi, we’re using Matomo for more detailed analytics when we’re running media buying campaigns.

Does anyone know if its possible to fire a 3rd party postback and/or pixel/cookie when Matomo records a custom conversion event, such as when a form is completed? We’d be happy to build URLs using the URL builder if that facilitates things too.

I’d assume including that in a ‘goal’ would be the most viable workflow, so that any goals that are completed as a result of media buying, can fire the tracking for the media buying platform, and feed the auto-optimisation better?

Thanks in advance for any help!


For cookie, I would suggest you forget this solution, as it is not GDPR safe, and some browser would probably prevent you to do it…
But for postback/pixel there is no problem, as this is just some HTTP request via JavaScript (postback) or image put in the DOM (pixel) after some event. How do you currently track your conversion?