File size

Hi, upload new version Piwik 2.10.0.

File size is not correct , try different times to upload , but issue remane:

Bestandsgrootte klopt niet: /xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/piwik/libs/bower_components/jquery.scrollTo/jquery.scrollTo.min.js (verwachte grootte: 2712, gevonden(found): 2706) ( in map on windows 2,64 kb 2.712bytes)
Bestandsgrootte klopt niet: /home/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/images/brand/Panasonic.ico (verwachte grootte: 3649, gevonden: 2920)
Bestandsgrootte klopt niet: /home/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/piwik/vendor/doctrine/cache/.git/index (verwachte grootte: 5662, gevonden: 5550)

Thanks for help


have you solved the problem ? :
/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/piwik/libs/bower_components/jquery.scrollTo/jquery.scrollTo.min.js (verwachte grootte: 2712, gevonden(found): 2706) ( in map on windows 2,64 kb 2.712bytes)

best regards,


I think it is solved , but furder i dont know, it is a long time ago, if the issue remains i let you now.

Oh I’m sorry I did not see the date of the post!

I have exact the same problem, also the Dutch error msg. I cannot continue. What to do now?,126449,126609#msg-126609

@itemm ??? I try to install 2.13.0 but I keep getting the same message. What to do now?

trying to instaler this version : 2.12.1