Ezoic crawler counts as (many&multiple) visits

Hi, am switching to Ezoic and today their crawler came (they offer also CDN/caching etc) … it is named “Ezoicstatic” or similar and each of the multiple visits was counted as a view… how can I exclude Ezoic from being tracked?


Do you know its User agent?

Hi Philippe, thank you!

this is what I saw


If you can get the user agent string sent by the browser, you can define something there (in the Measurable>Manage (for 1 tracked website) and/or Measurable>Settings (for all tracked websites) menus):

Note that if the Ezoic IP is known and static, you can also exclude the visits by the IP in this configuration page.

And there to get your own user agent string:

If Ezoic is your own browser, you can exclude yourself from visits:

→ Click on the click here link then uncheck the checkbox should prevent your browser to be tracked.

Hi Philippe, thank you… I am still trying to solve this… I do not know how to get the agent string… I see it in my visitor history, but the Device detection is only usable for myself, not with external visitors, correct?


The problem is that the user info is only visible on hover… also it seems I can only exclude it per my website, not in general… ok, so now I tried to put “EZoicStatic” into the “exclude” field, lets see if that blocks this crawler from being counted


I think you need to paste the user agent string here:

EzoicBot user-agent string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0; Pixel 2 Build/OPD3.170816.012) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; EzLynx/0.1; +http://www.ezoic.com/bot.html)

That’s from their website: https://www.ezoic.com/bot/


super Daniel, Danke Dir!
good idea to check their website for the nomination, I found no way to find it in Matomo


HI, I added the user-agent string, but the visits are still counted

can we block useless bots via robots.txt?

they are not useless, I am an Ezoic “member” and prob they fetch mywebsite for the included CDN… but they are not “countable” as visitors"

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Did you configure the exclusion there (in Global websites settings)?

What did you put there?