External pages in the /actions/pages report


I have tens pages tracked with piwik and several with a huge amount of pageviews (more than 1.5M per day).

In the Actions/Pages report, I can see a lot of external web pages, for example: youtube, facebook, lastfm, windows support…

An example of link which I can see in my actions/pages report:

With the domain removed appears like that: /hhweb/content/m-pt-PT_en-US/p-6.2/id-c2a0e1e2-6036-49db-a606-4f1745095f94/?sku=101

Those external URLs, doesn’t appear in the outlink section. The outlink report is working properly, it is tracking the external links inside my tracked pages.

I did a simple test in a virtual machine. I created a tracked index.html file with an outlink to google with several parameters in the URL.

This test work correctly. I can see in the Actions/Pages report my internal URL but not google, and I can see google as an outlink.

The question is: why I can see external URLs in my Actions/Pages report in my real website? I don’t have iFrames or embebed youtube videos… if you know why it is appearing, how can I disable that?
