Excluding URLs

Since Piwik only uses the ID and not the URL for capture, how can I exclude specific URLs from the data capture where not including the script is not an option? We use a central CMS for 300 websites and I need to exclude any traffic from the development and staging URLs.

I also need to exclude any traffic from the development and staging URLs.

Hi there,

can you please create a feature suggestion in the issue tracker: Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub ?

For now the only way to do this is to “not print” the piwik JS tracking code on staging + dev…

Thank you. Issue #7441

This is realted to the know issue #588 that’s been open for quite some time. It was recently marked as Major, so hopefully we will see some progress on it in the near future.

From my understanding, you’re using a CMS that likely deploys the same template across your dev/prod environments. One solution we’ve used as a stop-gap for this is to set server side environment variables (DEV || PROD) and referenced those as ways to determine which SiteID to publish in the tracking code. This, of course, requires some server side logic/language and doesn’t addres the related tracker hijacking issue also related to #588. Best of luck!
