Even tracking not working

I’m trying to track button click events with Matomo tag manager but nothing is being recorded. I followed these steps:

Assume that the button has an ID menu-item-97

  1. Created a new tag with Matomo Analytics type.
  2. Filled out these fields as:
    Name: MenuClick Interaction
    Matomo Configuration
    Tracking type: Event
    Event category: MainMenu
    Event Action: ClickAction
    Event Name: AboutUs
    Event value: n/a
  3. Created a new trigger with:
    Type of trigger: All elements click
    Only trigger when: Click ID equals menu-item-97
  4. Published to live

I have checked the site ID and it is correct and container ID is also correct. But event is not being recorded when the button is pressed. Is there any mistake in my tag creation?

Well, I don´t see anythinh wrong with the code. Have you tried the preview mode to se that your tag is fired when you click on the menu?

i am having what looks to be the EXACT same issue, following the exact same steps.

In my case, I HAVE confirmed via Preview Mode that the Tag is firing when the submit button is clicked, but it is NOT logging the event under Visits Log or Events.

Any ideas what piece of the puzzle is missing here?

Hi @GoneTracking
Within the preview mode, can you also check in the browser network console that an HTTP request is sent to your Matomo server when tag is fired?

hi not sure what to check for there… the form itself is submitting (i get the test email) and the preview shows that the tag fires then.

Matomo is on site, if that makes a difference. everything else with the container and its standard page view tracking tag etc works great as expected, but although following the instructions i must be missing a piece here since fired events are not being logged…

any ideas here? would love to have this working with start of the new year…

Hi @GoneTracking
Can you check in your page if there is some HTTP errors? (through the network tab of your browser)
Also maybe some JavaScript errors? (in browser console)
Can you display the preview mode events?