I got the following warning after Updating to Matomo 5.2:
WARNING [2024-12-13 00:37:00] 361624 /public_html/piwik/plugins/TagManager/Context/BaseContext.php(90): Warning - Undefined array key "isTagFireLimitAllowedInPreviewMode" - Matomo 5.2.0 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)
We have the same Error, To have matomo able to works agin we used the matomo console to disable the TagManager:
php /pathToMatomo/matomo/console plugin:deactivate TagManager
I see that it has not been merged, so I guess I am going to keep using the deactivate/activate “trick” for the time being. I’ll keep an eye on the merge request.
This is now merged into Tag Manager. But please note that this not yet into Matomo core repo. To get this fix, you need to install the Tag Manager from the repo tag manager repo.